
Pricing – Sound Healing Sessions

Devachanna Sound Healing Sessions Are Priced As Follows:

Individual Session 1.5 Hr: $165.00

Individual Session 1 Hr: $125.00

Two Person Session 1.5 Hr: $220.00

BUNDLED SESSIONS 25% from Original Pricing:

Deep Heal – Bundle A: One 1.5 Hr + Two 1 Hr sessions: $311.00

Refresh Heal – Bundle B: Three 1 Hr Sessions: $281.00

2024 Winter Sound Healing Bundles! I am offering 3-session private sound healing bundles at a 25% discount from original pricing (Look for “Deep Heal” and “Refresh Heal” in booking button). Multiple sound healing sessions give clients the opportunity to work on personal growth by creating consistency for positive neural networking and through reinforcing a state of deep healing. BOOK BUNDLED SESSIONS HERE!

What To Expect:

We begin the season by checking on on what’s currently happening in your life, and what themes may be present in your life from birth until now. This discussion allows me to understand what may be coming up energetically so that I can use my sound healing instruments with spiritual intention for processing through old wounds and energies and healing. Discussion is approximately 20 Min. The sound healing follows the discussion, this portion of the appointment is approximately 50 Min. The session closes with integration where we talking about anything that may have come up. in the sound healing. The portion of the appointment is approximately 10 Min.

1-Hr sessions are shortened on discussion and integration, and are better for individuals who have already come to at least one 1.5 hr session.

I look forward to working with you!